Improve Your Website Marketing

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Website Marketing

If you have a great looking website with a wealth of information, but not enough traffic or sales, then you need website marketing. Ohio Web Technologies offers website marketing services.  We provide the expertise and experience to increase traffic and sales through your website.

Website Marketing Directs the Internet Traffic to Get Off at Your Exit

Think of the internet as a ten lane highway where everyone is going 70 mph.  And all along this highway are lots of exits, and each exit has lots of billboards advertising services that drivers are looking for.  Your business needs the biggest billboard – one that stands out among all others.  That big billboard is achievable through Search Engine Optimization.

One of the first things we look at when our clients are endeavoring in a website marketing campaign is how their search engine optimization (SEO) ranks among their competitors.  When you have great SEO, the search engines (Google, Bing, etc) put your website higher on the search engine result pages.  The better the SEO, the higher you are on the page.  The higher you are on the page, the more visitors you get to your website.  It’s like being the guy with the biggest and brightest billboard on the digital super highway.

Okay, So They Got Off at Your Exit – Now You Need to Stop Them from Turning Around

Okay, you got your SEO game together. They got off at your exit and have clicked into your digital business.  Now your challenge is keeping them there.  It’s not easy.

Research indicates most internet users will click into a website and scan it for about 15 seconds before deciding if they are interested in using that provider.  You have a lot of messaging to convey in 15 seconds to assure the person that YOUR services will best fill their need.

Fast messaging can be accomplished through great graphic art.  Fresh, current images send the message that your business is up to date and invested in today’s customers.  The right images can also signal messages about your company values or business approach.  For example, you can signal messages like natural, fun, intelligent, and so on.  Additionally, using things like infographics can quickly signal important stats about your business that entice users to stick with you.

Ohiowebtech offers additional website marketing services such as page optimizing for your pay-per-click campaigns. Additionally, we will review your site for things like user-friendly navigation and intuitive design.

Customized Website Marketing Plans

Give us a call, let’s talk.  Once we get to know you, your website, and your business needs, we can develop a customized marketing plan to help your company reach its goals.

Earning—and keeping—your respect is how Ohio Web Technologies defines success. As such, there are no broken promises here. Discover how a website marketing campaign can help grow your business. Contact our team today.

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