In mid to late 2012 it was becoming clearer that the website design industry was adapting to “Responsive” websites as an industry standard. So what is a responsive website? Instead of building 2 completely different sites, 1 that is displayed on your computer and another that is geared for mobile or tablet, you use the same website and create separate CSS (styles) that determine which device you are on and then displays the appropriate layout. This solution is gaining huge popularity because you only have one site to maintain and you can essentially turn items on and off, or rearrange elements so that they are more mobile friendly. For 2013, we have finally got around to making the Ohio Web Technologies site “Responsive”. Check us out on your phone or tablet to see the difference. So keep this in mind when thinking about a redesign or a new website. The investment is well worth it and your customers will appreciate it which means better conversion rates for your sales force!
So our pick for 2013’s word of the year is “Responsive”!